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Form Text field and simplified field notation wont work??

Registered: Apr 1 2011
Posts: 12

I have the following in a textfield on page 1 in the simplified field notation.
1Text221 refers to a txtfield on page 3 of the same pdf file.
For the life of me I cant get it to work with the 1Text221 added on..
Any ideas???

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Accepted Answer
Try placing spaces between the names of the fields and the operators.
If it still doesn't work, use this as your custom calculation code:
event.value = this.getField("Text193").value + this.getField("Text196").value + this.getField("Text199").value + this.getField("Text201").value - this.getField("Text211").value - this.getField("Text214").value - this.getField("1Text221").value;

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Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can not have a field name start with a number and use the simplified field notation method.

The Simplified Field Notation parses the whole word that is either the field name or value and if the first character of the word is a number then the word is treated as a number value and not as a field name. If you do use a number for the first character of the field name, subsequent processing by the functions used by the simplified field notation misinterprets the name and splits the number from the rest of the fields character and throws an error.

Some special characters can be used by placing the JavaScript escape character, '\' before the special character, the dot and space are 2 such characters.

The escape character will not allow the use of a number as the first character of a field name.

George Kaiser