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Registered: Aug 2 2007
Posts: 12

The form field recognition function does not recognize any of the form fields that I set up in Word. This is true whether I lock the form or not while I am still in the doc file. I am particularly interested in importing dropdown form fields. (I also have text fields.) Is there _any_ way to set up a Word doc so that Acrobat will recognize the form fields?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
Actually; the best way to do this may be to eliminate the form fields you made in Word; and let Acrobat run the recognition tool on a "plain" document that looks like an old-fashioned paper document. Acrobat looks for things like colons and underlines and then makes the form fields.

After in runs the tool, you will still need to do some editing; and you may need to make the dropdown field from the beginning.

Hope this helps,


Acrobat is probably the program I use most often and I'm learning more every day.

Registered: Aug 2 2007
Posts: 12
Thanks. I figured out the underlining but did not know about the colons. (I'm new to the full version of Acrobat, and I'm excited about the possibilities for several forms I would like to produce. However, I am a bit disappointed in the form field recognition feature because while reading both "How to Do Everything with Adobe Acrobat 8" and "Adobe Acrobat 8 PDF Bible," I got the impression it was much more powerful. These books have been very helpful otherwise.)

On another topic, I am having trouble resizing form fields to exact specifications. Is there any way to set the numbers for a bounding box? I have in mind a mechanism like the picture sizing tab in Word. I saw that somebody else asked a similar question, but I haven't yet figured out how to navigate through this site efficiently and I can't find the question to see if there's an answer.