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Getting text box to be recognized in calculations

Registered: May 4 2009
Posts: 7

I have several text boxes set up to be added into a total calculations text box. All is working well except the one field that is set to a default value of 10.00. It is not adding into the calculations.
What am I doing wrong?

Sue Marostica

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Our crystal balls are little hazy!

Can you post your JavaScirpt code of be more specific about how you are generating your totals?

There are serveral ways to perform calculations.

Also JavaScript requries correct spelling and captitalization of field names.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 4 2009
Posts: 7
I was just using simple calculations, sum of, and picking the field names. All of the fields have totals calculated from totals of other fields, except one. It just has a default value of 10.00. All of the calculations are working fine except the last one which only has a default value.

Sue Marostica

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Are you using the "____ of" or the "Simplified field notation". Is the field included in the listing of fields to process?

George Kaiser

Registered: May 4 2009
Posts: 7
Yes, it is listed in the fields to include in the calculation. I have used this formula in previous years on the same form. It has worked fine before, I just didn't know if there was a bug or something I had forgotten to check or something.

Sue Marostica