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Gradiant colored text turns white when converted to .pdf

Registered: Oct 6 2007
Posts: 14


I've created a document in Word 2010 that contains colored text with gradiant and shadow effects. When I convert to a .pdf, that text turns white, and some of it has a white box around it.

How can I prevent this?



My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Acrobat 9 does not support Office 2010. Some aspects work, but many do not.

Features such as gradient fills for text objects are not part of the PDF specification, so the Word/PDFMaker plugin needs to convert them into graphics instead of native text objects. By the sound of it, that element of the export process is one of the ones we don't fully support.
Registered: Oct 6 2007
Posts: 14
Well, that bites.

You know, if you scroll really fast up & down the .pdf, you can actually see the color. But when you're not scrolling, it's white. I have no idea how all this works (I thought it was just magic, but apparently not!), but I found that interesting.