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Help - Lost editing functionality for fields in Acrobat 9 pro

Registered: Apr 10 2009
Posts: 20

Where may I find more detailed tutorials or instruction on creating forms and working with multiple fields? I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro and started working with an existing pdf inspection form that consists mainly of questions with check boxes in rows under Yes, N/A, No. I started the first of 4 pages learning as I went to create a row of boxes, align them horizontally, copy and paste that set in the next set of questions and then change their names in properties, but all of a sudden I seem to have lost functionality of the editing of the fields. For example I can't change the name now on any of the fields. There's also no List of Names on the left anymore (Hidden or otherwise). Any thoughts would be very helpful.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you or are you viewing the PDF in the "PDF/A" view mode? Check your application preferences (+K and the Documents category).Do you have Reader and Acrobat both installed on your system? If so, start Acrobat, then open the form.

George Kaiser

Registered: Apr 10 2009
Posts: 20
Thanks for the quick reply George

I don't know what the PDF/A mode is but in the PDF/A View Mode it says "View documents in PDF/A mode:" and the drop down menu says "Only for PDF/A documents". The only option in the drop down list is "Never".
I don't have Reader installed.
