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Help needed - selecting email app for forms distribution...

Registered: Sep 12 2011
Posts: 1

Hello AU community,
I am in Mac OS 10.6.8 on a MAcBook Pro and using Acrobat Pro 9.4.5 and have made a fillable form and want to email it out and colelct responses. I see the different options and would like to use the email method. One problem I am having is that Acrobat is trying to use Mail but I already have selected Entourage as my default email program for other apps and have already gone into Mail previously and changed the prefered email app to entourage from within Mail, and yes my whole system as well as Adobe Acrobat and Mail and Entourage have all been restarted since those changes were applied. Yet Acrobat keeps trying to use Mail instead of Entourage, which is a problem because I have all my contacts (i.e. the ones I want to distribute the fillable form to) in Entourage.
So how do I make Acrobat use Entourage? All other programs (“mailto” links from within Safari, Word, Excel, etc., for example) all correctly trigger Entourage, but Acrobat Pro is not with the forms distribution email option.
Any ideas?

Lee Larsen
President, Kandinsky Music
(A Choral Music Publishing Company)

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.4.3, Macintosh
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi Lee,

I'm not using a Mac so I'm not exactly sure where this setting is but try checking the default settings under Edit > Preferences > Internet category and check under the Internet Setting... button.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for