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highlighting radio or check boxes

Dawn W
Registered: Feb 2 2010
Posts: 17

How can you set it up that once a check box or radio box is checked the box is highlighted but if its not checked it is not highlighted?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
You could try this.

Add this script (changing the field name in the first line) to an Execute a JavaScript action of a Mouse Up trigger. And you can change the color to what ever you want to use. I just chose yellow because it was easy. Change the word transparent to white if you want the checkbox to have a whilte fill color.

var myChk = getField("Chk.HighlightMe");
myChk.fillColor = color.transparent;
myChk.fillColor = color.yellow;

You also want to start out with checkbox having the hightlight color displaying.
