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How can I edit my previously created Adobe 8 Pro form?

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 2

I cannot figure out how to add a field to the form I created in Adobe 8 Pro a few months ago. After using it for I while I have realized I need to make a few edits, but I cannot figure out how to edit a form. My Adobe Bible doesn't seem to have the answer. The help menu directs me to options that are not available. I would be open to suggestions on how to copy all the form fields to a new form to start over, but I can't seem to do that either. I am the "expert" in my office." How sad is that? I vaugely remeber there being some trick about it. I cannot seem to get to view the form in the designer view since it is completed.

Please help. Thanks emails at granville [at] stanford [dot] edu are appreciated! Auto responder will say i'm out of office, but I will be working on this over the holidays so you responses will be appreciated thanks! Of course I will check back in here.

Registered: May 10 2007
Posts: 42
Acrobat's UI sneakily directs you to create forms in Live Cycle Designer (included with AA8 but a separate program that has more powerful forms functionality). Check if this is what you did, and if so you can only edit from within Designer.
If it is an Acrobat form you can make a pdf of the new page (laid out in whatever app) and then with a COPY of your original form open use the Replace Pages function to make the new pdf the background to your existing fields.