I cannot figure out how to add a field to the form I created in Adobe 8 Pro a few months ago. After using it for I while I have realized I need to make a few edits, but I cannot figure out how to edit a form. My Adobe Bible doesn't seem to have the answer. The help menu directs me to options that are not available. I would be open to suggestions on how to copy all the form fields to a new form to start over, but I can't seem to do that either. I am the "expert" in my office." How sad is that? I vaugely remeber there being some trick about it. I cannot seem to get to view the form in the designer view since it is completed.
Please help. Thanks emails at granville [at] stanford [dot] edu are appreciated! Auto responder will say i'm out of office, but I will be working on this over the holidays so you responses will be appreciated thanks! Of course I will check back in here.
If it is an Acrobat form you can make a pdf of the new page (laid out in whatever app) and then with a COPY of your original form open use the Replace Pages function to make the new pdf the background to your existing fields.