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How can I use one Drop Down Box and have different info enter into 2 different text boxes?

Registered: Jul 21 2011
Posts: 3

I am extremely new to Acrobat period. So I don't really understand half of what is said on these forums. I was able to figure out how to have a drop down box link to a text box and populate information there. I am trying to so something similar in another form now. I am doing this for work and we have different locations and I am trying to have the drop down choices be the Location #, and have that link to a text box so that the Location Name is entered. I know how to do that, but am I able to have it also link to another text box and have the Phone Number appear there? Thank you for any help!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 10.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Eirinn,

For being new you have made good progress so far! Take a look at this tutorial from the Learning Center here-

It includes a sample AcroForm (form created with Acrobat, not LiveCycle Designer) with code you can download that shows how to link two drop downs and also populate a third column ( in this case with price info, but you can change that to your list of tel #s.)

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jul 21 2011
Posts: 3
Thank you so much! I will go look at that and see if I can stumble my way through.
Registered: Jul 21 2011
Posts: 3
Ok I think that may help, but I think my problem is that I do not know Java and so I don't really know how the script even works that I am reading. The way I was able to get my original Drop Down Box for Location Number to populate the Location Name in that text box was by finding an article on here that explained it and had the script also. So I was able to use that and change it. So I'm not sure if that article is what I need because the example was for two drop down boxes and then a text box. And I only need 1 Drop Down because the Phone Number and Location Name are only linked to 1 Location Number for each. The Location Numbers are unique, as are the phone numbers, but the locations often have the exact same names as I work for a corporation that owns cemeteries and they are often named the same thing. So I'm not really sure where to go from here.

Registered: Aug 24 2011
Posts: 5
I'm looking for the same thing Erin. Any luck?