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How to create a form with dynamic combo boxes?

Registered: Sep 10 2011
Posts: 4

I have been follow one of the excellent tutorials on this sit:
My data object looks something like:

var oApplicationRoles = {
   "Application 1": [["Role 1", "Owner 1"], ["Role 2", "Owner 2"]],
   "Application 2": [["Role 3", "Owner 3"], ["Role 4", "Owner 4"]]

My form has a table where users can request what applications they want access to and the role (what level of access they need). The first drop down they select the application name and the second drop down is populated with all the roles available for that application.
When a user selects a role, I would like a third field to be set to the value of the owner. This owner is responsible for approving access. This is more for informational purposes and I don't want the user changing this.
The keystroke script when the user selects the application works and populates the available roles in the role combo box.
I'm stuck on the keystroke script when the user selects the role from the combo box. Once a role is selected, how can I populate the owner in the owner field?
where can I upload my sample PDF?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.1, Macintosh
Registered: Sep 10 2011
Posts: 4
Sample PDF