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How to disable form filling message bar for clients?‏

Registered: Jul 18 2010
Posts: 1

Our company is using Acrobat 9.0 pro for creating some education ebooks.
And we got a problem now: sometimes a purple message bar will show up to tell people filling the form.
In fact we just use BUTTON to control the answer show and hide with AcroJS.

Now my boss DO NOT want this message bar show up when our customers open those pdf files,
and we found a solution for some small pdf file: combine this pdf itself and save as another pdf file, purple message bar gone.
but sometimes it seems randomly not working especially on large files(with 20 pages or more).

We already make a thousands of ebook page, re-creat these pages will be a big cost, there any way to disable that message bar for clients?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62
AFAIK you cannot script against the presence or content of the Document Message Bar.

There is a discussion here:

Once you use a form element in your PDF, Acrobat recognises this and want to provide what it thinks is relevant information/instructions to the user.


Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The displayin of the form filing message is a user option only and displayed by default.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It isn't entirely the case that "once you use a form element" you get the purple bar - there is some attempt at logic behind the trigger point, so isolated buttons should not matter - but it's not perfect.

Remember though - if you're using a button to trigger an action, you can always use a link to do the same thing, and links never wake up the purple bar. You just need to make sure the visible "button like" element is part of the PDF, draw a link box around it, and choose what action to run.