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How do I allow users to replicate a part of my form if required?

Registered: May 27 2008
Posts: 8


I've created a performance appraisal form using Life Cycle designer 8 and it works well. I have the subforms set to 'Flow' so that the employee can write a lot of text in the fields and it will expand accordingly to describe the various projects they have worked on throughout the year.

I have a text box labeled 'Project' (whey they can enter a description of the project) then under that i have a text box labeled 'Employee Comments' and one labeled 'Manager Comments'.

I have repeated the three text boxes six times to allow for the employees to describe up to six projects, however, it would look a lot better if i repeated it twice, lets say, and then had a button saying 'Click here to add a project'. If they clicked on that, the set of three blank text boxes would appear and they could describe another project. and then possibly 'click here to add another project' and so on.

Is there anyone out there that knows how to do something like that?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Watch this video, it explains everything:

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: May 27 2008
Posts: 8
Thanks for that Thomp, that's excatly what i needed. It is an excellent tutorial and my form now looks great!!
