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How do I create a new form without it going into Life Cycle Designer?

Registered: Mar 14 2008
Posts: 2

When I create a new form at work it runs it's wizard and when complete it opens up in Life Cycle, I find this frustrating as I like to edit the forms in Acrobat. How can I create a form and keep in Acrobat?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Don't use Create New Form. Instead you can either take a static PDF form that was done in another authoring application (Word, QuarkXPress, InDesign etc.) and draw the fields in Acrobat or run Form Field Recognition in Acrobat. Running Form Field Recognition will do it's best to determine what might be a form field and draw them on the page for you. It doesn't do very well with check boxes. As you have discovered LiveCycle Designer forms can only be edited in LiveCycle Designer because even though they look and for the most part act as PDF forms they are completely different under the hood.
