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How do I email the form data of an pdf form

Registered: Mar 21 2008
Posts: 6

Hi there how exactly do I email the form data of a pdf form. I have the pdf already with all the form fields.

Now I want to email the form/form data to an email address such that in the body of the email right there, the recipient will see for example

Name of Field : Value
Name of Field : Value

or something similar that will tell them what the filler of the form entered into the form and submitted.

All my attempts have failed, as i get attachements with bin, fdf, extensions which I don't want.

I want to simply get the fields and corresponding value listed in the plain email.

I thought I would be able to use a script like aformail.php but it does not seem to be able to get the form data sent by the pdf even if i set it to send html.

Any ideas?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 5.x or older, Windows
Registered: Feb 10 2006
Posts: 413
Hi --

You WANT to have the attachment .FDF, which stands for field data format. Try again, and email the attachment. When the email recipient opens the attachment, Acrobat will automatically open the original file [assuming they have the file].


A prolific author and writer of many Acrobat books, as well as books on graphic and Web design software.
Donna lives on a lakeshore in central Canada, where all manner of wildlife from muskrats to coyotes come to call.

Registered: Mar 21 2008
Posts: 6
No, thats exactly what i dont want .. i wanted the form results to show up in the actual body of the email...i managed to accomplish this partly with phpmailer and aformmail. But I have one slight problem...i am sending info back using php echo to tell the user that the form was submitted sucessfully, this works in adobe acrobat but not adobe acrobat reader. I am getting an error saying something like cannot understand txt/html. I also try redirecting to another page but same cigar. How can I send back a success or failure msg to adobe acrobat reader.
Registered: Mar 21 2008
Posts: 6
Ok, so adobe reader seems not to be able to handle html whereas adobe acrobat can. The solution I am told is to

You should return something Reader can understand, such as an FDF. You can create an FDF response that causes Acrobat to display a pop-up message of your own wording, perhaps something like: "Your form has been successfully processed. Thank you!"

How can I go about returning an FDF response for reader to do the above, so the user knows her/his stuff was submitted successfully.

Registered: Mar 21 2008
Posts: 6
The php fpdf library at saved the day. It allows you to generate PDFs on the fly that you can send back to the reader as a valid return.