Hi guys
I'm using Acrobat Pro X (version 10.1.1)
This might be a difficult question, but I need help with a way to save a fillable-PDF file so that I can export the data to Excel so that they placed in one row (maybe semicolon can separates the different datafields).
I've been testing the different export-functions and these are my export options:
1. FDF
4. PDF
1. When I open the FDF-file in Excel, the Text Import Wizard pops up and I think I can do what I'm asking for here, but I don't really understand or know what to do.
2. HTML - Why does does it send as tmp-file when it says HTML? Outlook sends it as tmp-file and blocks it because it identifies it as dangerous file.
3. When I open the XFDF-file in Excel, it comes out in many rows, instead of one row. Is it possible to change this?
4. Sends as a PDF file - It's too much manual work to copy and paste each field.
So I think only option 1 and 3 can help me. And 2, but HTML doesn't seem to work.
Can someone please help me?
Go to Tools - Forms - More Form Options - Manage Form Data - Export Data...
Select the file format to be a plain-text file (.txt). The result is a tab-delimited file with the field names in the first row and the data in the second.
You can easily import this file in Excel.
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