I'm new to the form and to Acrobat. I'm using Acrobat 8 Professional.
I'm not quite sure how to title this particular post.
I have a client who has about 20 forms currently created in Microsoft Word.
They are trying to accomplish a number of things with these forms. Some of the forms are to be used to collect data and store it in a database for later use.
The forms are being processed by PHP and the data is entered into a MySQL database. Many of the forms contain the same information from form to form such as name, date of birth, etc. My HTML/PHP forms retrieve the data from the database and populate the fields. All that is left is to complete the remainder of the form.
I also have converted the Word documents into PDF format and I created form fields within the PDF document.
Is it possible to integrate the HTML form fields into the PDF document after PHP processes the form?
Or, is it possible to save the results of my PHP form as a PDF file?
If so, can someone help me out to accomplish this?
Thank you in advance for your time.
Carl Young
A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=http://www.pdfconference.com/]PDF Conference[/link].