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I have an editting issue! Please help.

Registered: Mar 20 2008
Posts: 9

Okay, so I have a contract that looks like this "blahblahblahblah______________(dealer name)blahblahblahblahblah

I had a really big dealer name for one of my sales reps that I wanted to keep at font 10, so I somehow just extended the actual space itself, underscore and all really easily. The way I remember doing it, all I did was click that area and press my spacebar and it lengthened itself without me having to recreate the underscore. The "margins" (i know there aren't any margins in acrobat, but what I mean is the wording on either side) were still all alined because as I spacebarred the area it just auto-wrapped it for me.

Now I know most of you are thinking, export it to a word document and edit it there, which logically, that's probably what I did, I just don't think I did it that way, because when I did it this morning it spaces out the line and you have to recreate the underscore, and some of the document was erased when i reverted it back to a PDF, like bold lines and such that were in there originally. Like I said, all I remember having to do was spacebar the section and it made it bigger without me having to do ANYTHING. So in Word, this really isn't possible, so I am at a loss for what I did or how I editted it.

I even tried using the text tool, clicking that area and doing it that way, but while I spacebarred that the text in the line would just keep going on forever and not auto-wrap and realign itself uniformily with all the other lines. I KNOW I did it the way I explained how I remembered doing it. When I did it the first time I was also a "newbie" at the whole acrobat program so it wasn't at all complexed as to how I did it. If anyone knows what I am talking about and has any solution it would be much appreciated. Thank You.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Outside of the form field text tool, there are only a few other options. First, as you mention there is the TextBox tool, where you simply click in the location you want to place the text, and type. The properties of this tool allow you to change the font and underline to simulate the underscore you're looking for. The other option you have, since you're using Acrobat Pro. is the TouchUp text tool where you can make minor corrections to the text on the PDF. Have you tried this tool? Perhaps you added a few spaces this way.

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