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I'm a noob and have a question...

Registered: Apr 7 2009
Posts: 5

Hi all,
I'm currently working on a D&D form fillable character sheet and trying to make it so that a lot of the stuff auto calculates. I've run into one little snag. I need a few of the fields to do the following:

(fieldname-10)/2 BUT for it to drop the decimal points AND always round down so that if say I have a 15, the result of the equation won't list as 2.5 or 3 but instead 2. Is there a way I could do that? Thanks much!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Mysterygal,

No you can't round down using Simplified Field Notation. Here is a thread on this subject I found by searching here with the term "Round Down"-

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Apr 7 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks much, I'll play around with that formula. Sorry I should have seen that thread but I missed it. I'll look harder next time and not be in such a hurry. Lol.
