We are trying to figure out a simple way to populate a print-resolution (300dpi) pdf template with information that the user fills out in a HTML form. The template needs to be at print resolution because it has all of the bitmap images that need to be in the final output pdf that goes to our printshop.
Currently we can't seem to accomplish this because we are stuck with a process where ColdFusion compiles the form data and merges it with the background image inside of the HTML environment - which only takes the background image as a 72 dpi resolution file. This results in a terrible case of the fuzzies every time.
It seems like it would be better if the information from the HTML form could flow into a 300-dpi template that was stored somewhere and then generate a new pdf for the user that has both the data they filled in on the form and the 300-dpi graphics from the template. Then all they would have to do is forward that compiled pdf to the Printshop.
Any suggestions??????
There's probably a way to use some of the LiveCycle offerings from Adobe to do much the same, so you may want to check with the related forums on Adobe.com