I've noticed that some characters appear to cause Acrobat to fail to load the xfdf data.
Eg the "&" if it is used in a form field.
Is there any way around this?
I've noticed that some characters appear to cause Acrobat to fail to load the xfdf data.
Eg the "&" if it is used in a form field.
Is there any way around this?
However, when Acrobat exports XFDF data it escapes all special characters, i.e., "&" goes to "&". So this should not be a problem for data exported from Acrobat. In fact exporting data as XFDF from Acrobat will show you how various special characters need to be escaped.If you are generating an XFDF to import into a Form, then the application that generates the XFDF needs to escape the special characters.
Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
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