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javascript for email subject from text field

Registered: Mar 22 2007
Posts: 111

Using javascript I need a script to AutoFill the Subject in email submit button. using this method app.alert("Launching your e-mail program.", 3, 0)
"", "", "",
"Travel Authorization",
"Please review this Travel Authorization. Thank You"
or this method
this.submitForm("mailto:mm [at] mycom [dot] com?"
+ "&cc=gg [at] mycom [dot] com&bcc=john [at] mycom [dot] com"
+ "&subject=good news"
+ "&body=The order is in!"

It professional, networking, technical, graphical, imaging, froms.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Try this script on the Submit button (mouse Up).

bUI: false,
cTo: "recipientEmailAddress [at] theirIP [dot] com",
cCC: "copyToEmailAddress [at] theirIP [dot] com",
cSubject: "Travel Authorization",
cMsg: "Please review this Travel Authorization. Thank You."

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Mar 22 2007
Posts: 111
Oh my fault I forgot I need the subject line populated from a filled text field.

So a text field that user fills in like Emp.Name this goes into the subject line.

It professional, networking, technical, graphical, imaging, froms.