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Kiosk submit

Registered: Nov 4 2009
Posts: 13


I'm designing a PDF for use in a touch-screen kiosk.

The kiosk won't have an internet connection, so I'm lost as to how to save the data that has been entered.

The user would simply need to press "submit" which would save the file (pdf or fdf is fine) on the computer's hardrive. I can't have a pop-up window asking where to save it etc. And... the file name would need to be unique, to prevent other users data over-writing another users data.

Someone would be dropping by each morning and add the files to a data stick and transfer it to his office computer.

Could someone please tell me if there's a JavaScript that will allow me to do this?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Nov 4 2009
Posts: 13
This is similar to what I'm trying to do except I wouldn't want a dialogue box to confirm where to save it.

If I can get the file to automatically save as an entry in a text field and save in a pre-defined location, thats perfect for me.

Hope someone can help!