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Larger images popup action on thumbnail

Registered: May 30 2007
Posts: 2

Hi! Excellent site. I have PDF a document with small thumbnal images and a text description inside. I would like to know if it is possible to make an action that shows the resized (real size) images in a popup window or form window by clicking on the small thumbnail image or eventually on a text link. The bigger images are stored in a directory next to the pdf file.
I made the images open in separated web browsers but I don't find it practical I am looking forward to find a fast and above the pdf solution where the user don't have to bother in going to the browser.
Thanks very mush in advance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0.4, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There isn't a really clean way to do this. But there is a solution.

The easiest way is to import the full images into the PDF as Pages. Then just navigate to that page.

Another method is import the images into a button field. Loading button images from a file is problematic in any Acrobat version, but it's completely restricted in Reader 8, so this may not work for you.

A variation on this method is to import the images into the PDF as Named Icons, then apply them to a button.

Anoter vaiation is to use custom dialogs to display the image. The image must be stored as a named icon in the PDF. Then you write code to convert the named icon into a different image format which is used by the dialog image object. While this method looks nice and keeps the full display of the image outside the PDF, it can be very, very slow. The bigger the image the slower it is.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Feb 9 2008
Posts: 1
I know that this is a very delayed response, but since you asked and I was looking and discouraged I thought I'd let you know what dawned on me. I converted my jpgs to Quicktime movie files, chose to keep the file open when launched and took away the player controls. This way, you can choose the file by using the movie tool.

Good luck!