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Linking form fields on a pdf package

Registered: Jul 8 2008
Posts: 29


I have created a pdf package which contains pdf forms on a few different pages. Is there a way to link fields on different pages so that when I fill one of the fields on one page, the linked one will automatically be filled on the other page?
The only thing I have tried is giving the fields the same name but that doesn

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi eabikher,

If the fields have the same name and are in a single PDF just on different pages, then they will all populate with information placed into one of the fields like you are asking for. SO if you have a fields named FirstName on page one and another named FirstName on page 3, only the one on page 1 needs to be filled.

If the fields are in different PDF files within a package then no you cannot do this. Each file in a "Package" is its own entity and cannot communicate with other files in the Package.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jul 8 2008
Posts: 29
If I have an excel timesheet that I want to put into pdf...
The excel timesheet has different tabs: The first tab is a summary, and the subsequent tabs are project specific. So each employee fills out the infomation for each project that they worked on during the week in the project specific tab, and that information then automatically appears in the summary page because the cells are linked. I know it would be easy to do if I just merged the files into one pdf, but the problem is, that every employee will work on a different number of projects in a week (up to 20). So if I have a pdf with 20 pages, it will be easy to link the fields, but there are many disadvantages:
-If an employee only has 5 projects that week, there will be 15 empty pages
-If an employee wants to print only the summary or only one of the projects page, there is more of a risk that they will mistakenly print the whole document including the empty pages
-The scroling down to find your project is not convenient whereas in excel, you can easily switch between tabs....

What would be the best way around this in acrobat?