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Linking text boxes to flow onto second page

Michael O'Neil
Registered: Nov 16 2009
Posts: 7

OK I'm thinking this should be simple...
A4 letterhead created in Quark and saved as a pdf has a text field to allow client to copy and paste from word doc. Text is formatted - helvetica 10pt left - clean and simple. There's a submit button with action that saves and prints each time the client wishes to send a letter - in effect this is a master letter pdf.
Now the client has requested a second blank page for when there's too much text so it can re-flow onto the reverse.
Is there any way to link the box from page 1 to page 2 so that it re-flows? The best I've managed so far is a duplication - I copy and paste a load of text into the box on page 1 and it duplicates it onto the box on page 2.

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Acrobat Pro Extended 9.4.3, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes there is a way to do this. Actually there are a couple of ways.

1. The easy way: Get a PC and do this as a LiveCycle form. Believe me, getting a PC is easier than the next method.

2. Using a script you can force entry on Page 1 to jump to a field on page 2. You'd think that Adobe would have made this process easy, but it's awkward. When a field is setup just the right way, no scrolling and fixed font size, and the user types past the limit, the event.fieldFull parameter becomes true.

This parameter can be used in two ways.
1. Force the focus from the current field onto the field on the next page. The user looses a character with this technique. The solution is a fix up script on the keystroke event of the second field. The technique is complex because the script has to determine whether or not the field received a keystroke because of the jump or just because the user clicked on the field.

2. Setup the first field to scroll and then when they finish, modify the field parameter to determine if there was overflow and then copy the overflow onto the second page. I haven't tried this one so I'm not to sure of the implementation details.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Michael O'Neil
Registered: Nov 16 2009
Posts: 7
Hi thomp - thanks for the reply and you're right it's awkward and I would have expected Adobe to make it easy - as I said I'm thinking it should be simple. Now I'll just say I'm not a java script guy and what I have used in the past I've got off the forums and sort of fumbled my way through and got to work.

In short I couldn't get it to work - have done as you suggested to let first field scroll but I can't get the overflow to move to the second field. I used the java script from your other posting and have had it both in the run script option as well as the validate field option - no luck. The first field will scroll but if I tab to second field it is always empty. If I turn off scroll option for first field the second field is empty too. Used your names for text fields as well.

The client has agreed to work in the way I suggested (pre post) which was to manually copy and paste overflowing text onto page 2. As for Live Cycle - that would confuse the client even more (not the most technically minded if you catch my drift).

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
thomp is right : it's a pain.

So, don't forget one main thing: what about user's intelligence???

If the form have 2 pages, when the user will ear "beep, beep, beep…" because it cannot add more input into the full field on the 1st page, what do you expect him to do?
User will obviously going to the 2nd page to continue… Without the need of a (complex) script.

Humans are not always animals.

Michael O'Neil
Registered: Nov 16 2009
Posts: 7
Alteration to last comment Merlin - "Humans are not always intelligent" - why?

a. My client has just retired the feather quills and ink pots in favour of 2 company pcs.
b. I was trying to make it as idiot proof as possible for them without multiple copying and pasting.
c. Upon hearing "beep, beep, beep" they would probably think there's a Road Runner at the door.
d. Seems to be a real pain for a simple function - come on Adobe? I mean getting a form to autotab to a 2nd page isn't too easy either.