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Locking a filled-in PDF form

Registered: Jul 19 2007
Posts: 12


I created an internal request form that clients fill out then send back to me in PDF format via a "submit" button.

When I got the PDF file back, all the fields were filled in, so no problem there.
BUT those fields that they filled in remain editable and I could change figures etc.

Is there anyway for the user filling out the form to lock the fillable-fields once he/she has filled in the form?


Registered: Jul 19 2007
Posts: 12
A PDF file is a file that can be created in Adobe Acrobat and that can be read by either Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. PDF is just the file extension that these Adobe files use--for instance "TaxForm.PDF".
Registered: Aug 6 2007
Posts: 1
I have the same exact problem.

What I do, right now, is use the print command to generate a PDF file which I think is a very crude method and not very user friendly.

Can anyone help?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
With Acrobat Forms, not LiveCycle Designer, one can create a signature field for the end users to apply their digital signature to and then select which form fields are to be locked upon the signature being applied.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 7 2007
Posts: 6
What if you've created the form in Designer; can you edit it in Acrobat Forms to apply this function?

I have been looking for the solution to this problem for DAYS.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
I am not all that proficient with LiveCycle Designer, but I am not aware of a certifying signature field.

Form fields and JavaScript or FormCald code are nto compatible.

It is possible to replace an Acrobat page with the PDF page crerated by LiveCycle Designer, but the XML form content can not be copied because it is not compatible with the PDF format specification.

George Kaiser