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Making a field auto fix text, so shrinks as you type but no scroll?

Registered: Feb 4 2009
Posts: 38

hi, I have a form with long Identity numbers, emails, bank account numbers etc and I want the user to be able to type into the box but so the text shrinks if they go beyond the size of the box as I don't think I am capable or there is another way of doing this. Our end user will have to print off and sign the form so the text in the boxes have to be visible and not in a scroll. Any help greatly appreciated. Is there a design view, i.e. not coding way of doing this in acrobat 8?

Registered: May 10 2007
Posts: 42
If you uncheck the boxes 'scroll long text' (checked by default) and 'multi-line' on the Options tab of the properties dialog, the field will behave as you wish (until the text is so small that you can't read it). Font size must be set to 'Auto' of course.
Registered: Feb 4 2009
Posts: 38
Hi Teledu, I did that but when I type to the end of the box it just stops and won't let me type anymore. Type doesn't change at all??
Registered: May 10 2007
Posts: 42
I would only expect that if the font size is fixed...
Send me your form if you like.
Registered: Feb 4 2009
Posts: 38
Hi Teledu, thank you very much, that is what I was doing wrong, I had the font selected to size 10. Thanks.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
An the appearance tab, you can set the font size to 0 or auto and the size will auto adjust as information is entered. But this may look funny as the first character will be very large and the text will get smaller as each character it typed.

On the options tab, uncheck the 'Maximum number of characters' option, as this option limits the total number of characters that the field will accept.

George Kaiser