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Making small changes in a form

Andrew Dalton
Registered: Aug 17 2009
Posts: 7

Hi all,

I'm making a simple online form, but every time I realise that a small change needs to be made (e.g dropping text down one line to allow more room for a text field or button) I go through this tedious process:

- go back to the Word document from which I made the PDF
- make the change, save again as a PDF
- open in Acrobat and hope that the spaces I've left are sufficient

Is there any way of making such small changes within Acrobat? Things like carriage returns, removing a colon that has been accidentally left in...little stuff like that? I was hoping there would be something like Touch-up Text Tool, but all the Advanced options are greyed out.

Many thanks,

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Acrobat Pro 9.2, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Adding in a carriage return is dangerous, but you can use the touchup tools on the Advanced Editing toolbar to make small changes. If these tools are greyed out then the form either has security or Reader Rights Enabling on it. You can only work on an unprotected file. Also be sure to make the changes in the original word doc so they don't get out of sync.

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