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Merging multiple form pdfs into a single pdf

Registered: Mar 2 2009
Posts: 2

We have a lot of filled-in form pdfs that we want to merge into a single pdf that is scrollable, pager after page. We don't want to make a package. The individual filled in form pdfs look the way they should when you open them-- with the revised content on each. When we merge all these separate pdfs, Acrobat creates a single multiple-page pdf where every page is identical to the first page. What's going on? How can I fix this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
I guess that form fields have the same name on every PDF, so they can't have different contents.

Before merging you should flatten all PDFs, using PDF Optimiser, Preflight, or abracadabraTOOLS.
