Hi everyone,
I couldn't find information on this. Is it possible to change the underlying PDF document without Acrobat scrubbing all the form fields?
In this case, I have a document that exists as a PDF form intended for printing and manual fill out (not my form, I received it as a PDF from elsewhere). I added form fields with Acrobat 9 pro, and I liked the functionality of that. Then I used another program to edit the Acrobat form, and the resulting PDF no longer had any form fields associated with it. My edits were not substantial- just minor formatting and text spacing.
I was wondering if it's possible to open up the PDF form with a .zip utility, then extracting and replacing the underlying PDF document.
Any ideas??
All help greatly appreciated.
Win 7 pro SP1, Acrobat 9.4.5 pro
1. Take the blank form (the one without the fields), and make your modifications.
2. Open the version with the form fields.
3. Menu Document --> Replace Pages4. Replace the page
… and there you are.
No need to fiddle with ZIP or whatever.
Well, that procedure is for PDF forms.
Hope this can help.
Max Wyss.