I hate to ask for help again but ...well..I need it.
I've worked through some errors to get to this point where I have the following code and adobe accepts it.
However, when I hit the button nothing happens. (it just flashes)
I've made sure the settings set to mouse down and run a javascript.
var compnm = this.getfield("ManuCompName");
var ingname = this.getfield("IngredientName");
var kconname = this.getfield("pdevname");
var to = this.getfield("KContactEmail");
var start = "NEW RMIS from: "
var subj = start.value + compnm.value + "'s ingredient " + ingname.value + " for " + kconame.value ;
Thanks anyone for the help
Thom Parker
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The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script