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Multi-line textfield

Registered: Mar 6 2007
Posts: 48

I have a form designed in LiveCycle 8. All of the multi-line text fields start in the middle of the field not the top left corner. I have been unable to set it up so that the user starts with the first line on the top of the field. All these forms are anchored top-left, but not sure if anchoring has to do with this. Also these textfields are set to the viewable area, no scrolling. Thanks

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848
Down right frustrating, isn't it. It's one of my complaints about Designer. So many palettes and really not an intuitive use of palettes and options.

Here's what you need to do. After formatting the Object, Layout, and Border attributes, you need to open the Paragraph Palette. Select Window > Paragraph or press Shift + F5.In the Paragraph palette you have options for editing the Caption, Value, or both. Click the right pointing arrow in the palette to make your choice. By default, the option is selected to edit both the text caption and the value.

The 7 icons in the Paragraph palette have to do with paragraph alignment. The second set (3 on the right) control where the caption and value are positioned. If you want top left as your anchor, click the first icon (Align Top) in the second set of icons on the right. By default, the second icon (Align Middle) is selected which is why your data entry begins in the vertical center of the text field box.

Hope this helps.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.

Registered: May 17 2010
Posts: 6
Need to resurrect this post, because I've the same question, but using Acrobat Pro 9.

Doesn't have a "Window > Paragraph" option, and I can't seem to find any type of vertical alignment option for text form field.