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Multi-page form not flowing properly

Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7

I am presently working in Adobe Livicycle Designer 8.2.1 wich I used to creat a three-page form, each page containing text boxes that flow and expand inside of subforms flow and expand as users type text into them
My dilemma is such that when a user types in one of the text fields on one page and forces the text box to flow onto the next page, the entire text box is pulled onto the next page, a huge blank gap follows the text box to the bottom of the page and everything that was on the next page is moved to the next page.
Is there a work around with this problem?

Sacramento, CA

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Is the parent subform set to "Allow page breaks withing content"?

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7
Hi Thom - thanks so much for your quick response. I am very new to LiveCycle Designer. This is only my 4th form that I have created and it it a real challenge. As to your response question back to me, I doubt that the parent subform is set to allow page breaks within content. Where would I check to see if that variable is set?

Also, once I set this variable, in each parent form, will that also keep the data from the next page from jumping to a full page ahead? I am assuming so.

Sacramento, CA

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi PrintMAgic,

Select the parent subform, then in the Properties dialog under the Object tab there is a Subform tab where the check box for "Allow Page breaks within Content" is located.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7
Hi Dimitri:

Thank you as well for your speed response. I found the check box for "Allow Page Breaks within Content" and it is checked for both parent subforms. I stand corrected as well, the form initially only has two pages instead of three. The third page was created when the entire parent subform on page 2 was pushed onto page three as a result of the small portion of page one that flowed onto page two. This, of course, left a huge blank gap on page two.

Any other suggestions as to how to keep the entire parent subform on page two from being pushed to a third page?

Sacramento, CA

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi PrintMagic,

Well how about the text field(s) themselves- are they set to allow page breaks within content?

You may find Thom's e-seminar on scripting in LiveCycle Designer PDF forms very helpful since you are new to using LiveCycle Designer. You can view it at-

Thom covers the details of how to set up your form for flowing content in that video.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7
This is interesting. When I drill down in the Hierarchy palette:
>> The child subforms have check boxes in the object tab for allowing page breaks within content.
>> The table object inside has the check box.
>> The row object inside the table object also has a check box, although it seems I did not check it
in the object tab. I will go back and correct that.
>> However, there seems to be no check box in the object tab for the textfield objects which allows
for page breaks.

Hmmm! I will go back through and make sure that the check box is selected in all the various rows throughout this document and see what happens. After that, I will go view Thom's training video. I will let you know the results of my findings for all who find themselves on this road in the future.

Thanks again Dimitri.

Sacramento, CA

Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7

Well, I applied the "Allow Page Breaks within Content" to all the rows in the various subforms. One problem has been solved. Now, when I fill the last textfield with an abundance of text, the text does flow over onto the next page without the entire text field being pushed over onto page two.

Now for the second challenge. Even though the last textfield from page one flowed gracefully onto page two, the parent subform for page two was pushed to page three.

Finally, the link to the e-seminar you provided above actually goes to a pdf file of a sample form. I assume that this form was created during the e-seminar. So..... I would really appreciate it if you could provide the link to the e-seminar ASAP. The Assistant GM is still waiting for me to get this form finished.

Thanks so much for your assistance. I really appreciate your patience and your expertise.

Sacramento, CA

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi PrintMagic,

Sorry about that incorrect link. Here it is- this helps,

WindJack Solutions

Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7
Good Morning Dimitri:

Well, I went through the entire training, but nothing in the training answered my final question about data from page two getting pushed to page three when anything from page one flows onto page two.

I have been successful in flowing the text from page one onto page two in a clean manner without the entire text box being dragged into page two.

Now if I could just figure out how to keep all the data on page two from getting bumped to page three. The world would be a better place. Any other suggestions or tricks up your sleeve?

Sacramento, CA

Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 7

I am still looking for a solution to help me keep the data on page two from flowing entirely to page three when a portion of page one flows to page two. Any more suggestions? All the trainings that I have found simply cover the basics of creating a single page form that flows onto page two. I don't have a problem with that.

Sacramento, CA