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Multi-select list box value seperator

Registered: Dec 21 2009
Posts: 16

I'm using a multi-select list box entry on my form. I'm experiencing three issues I'd like help with.

1. In the tracker view, I can only filter by the first entry that was selected. For example, if the user selected the entries for "John Doe" and "Bob Smith", the response tracker lists that field value as "John Doe..." and setting the field filter to "contains: Bob" returns no results.

2. When I export to CSV, the entries are jammed together with no separating value, not even a space. Is there any way to include a separating character such as a semi-colon with it displaying in the list box?

3. When viewing a response, the list box is still fully populated rather than just showing what the user selected. Is there any way for the responses to remove the unused list box entries?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You could place the results in a text field using the 'join' method to insert the coma and space.
// calculation script to list choices of a multi-slect list boxevent.value = this.getField('MultiListBoxName').value.join(', ');

George Kaiser