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Need examples of using Doc.saveAs

Registered: Mar 27 2007
Posts: 54

I need some functional exapmples of using the function Doc.SaveAs.
I need to save a copy of a fillable form usin a button with JavaScript. I understand that using Doc.saveAs function is the way to do it. But I have not figure it out yet how to code it.
Please need help!!!! Thanks

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Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 14 2005
Posts: 180

works in both LiveCycle and Acrobat forms.

A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=]PDF Conference[/link].

Registered: Mar 27 2007
Posts: 54
Hi Carl!

yes it worked! Can I pass parameters like tha path, file name, file type, etc? and make it transparent to the user. I dont want the saveas dialog show up. How?

Registered: Apr 25 2007
Posts: 13

I just wanted to find out whether that line would work in Reader 5.0/Acrobat 5.0

I've enabled user rights in Acrobat Pro 8.0, and my client's have Reader 5.0/Acrobat 5.0, but when they click on the save as button they get this message:

Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 5.0
Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Functions Version 5.0

uncaught exception:Field Save:Mouse Up:1: App.execMenuItem Security settings prevent access to this property or method.

Any suggestions?

Thanks so much
Registered: Jul 2 2009
Posts: 2
so what is the right answer
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
According to the reference file, execMenuItem("SaveAs") in versions up to 7 can only be called during batch, console or menu events.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
jesus wrote:
Hi Carl!yes it worked! Can I pass parameters like tha path, file name, file type, etc? and make it transparent to the user. I dont want the saveas dialog show up. How?

Here is a similar case:
Maybe helpful for you.

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LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs