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Need help with tab field numbering issue!

Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 3

The issue:
When I open a form, what appears to be the tab order number is in the upper left of each tab. The problem is that I can't turn this off, and I'm not sure how it gets turned on. It always seems like one day out of nowhere I open a form and this "feature" gets turned on, but I can't remove it. It even prints the forms with the tab number on each field line, so I'm hoping someone can help me with this issue.

I've had this happen with Acrobat 6, 7, and 8. I've tried to search this forum for an answer, and the only thing I could find was to switch back to the "Hand Tool" and the number will go away, but I'm already in the "Hand Tool" mode so that doesn't help. This is very frustrating, and I will be eternally grateful to anyone that can help. Thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 6.0, Windows
Registered: Jan 27 2010
Posts: 6
I am having the same problem with Adobe Acrobat 7 Standard and it is EXTREMELY frustrating!
It is ridiculous... I have searched and searched for a resolution with no success.

I've read acount Tab Order, Accessibility settings, etc etc but nowhere have I found how to get rid of the darn things!
I have even installed another PDF reader just so I can fill out and print forms.

Please help if you have found a fix!
Thanks to you and all in advance.
Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 3
No solution yet to this issue. I have a freshly formatted and configured machine and after about a week the issue started up again. I still have no idea what causes this, and I have no idea how to solve it. I can't imagine we're the only 2 users that have seen this issue. I'm also using a separate PDF reader/writer so deal with PDFs since Adobe isn't any help at this point.
Registered: Jan 27 2010
Posts: 6
We're definately not the only users having this problem.
Reference this issue string.

Again, no resolution within the string, but I have sent an e-mail to john.king to see if he has a fix.
Will let you know if I hear anything.
Registered: Apr 30 2010
Posts: 1
This one had me pulling my hair. Of course, Adobe won't offer any help.

Here is a solution that I use.
1. Fill out the form. (don't worry about the tab #s, we will take care of them in a second)
2. Go to Edit -> Preferences (or ctrl+k)
3. Under Categories (on left side of the window) click on Documents
4. Change PDF/A View mode (on right side of the wondow) to "Alwyas", using the drop down menu.
5. Click OK and see the Tab #s disappear. The document becomes read-only but you can print it wihtout the annoying #s apprearing on the print.
6. Print the document
7. Change the PDF/A View mode back to "Never". The #s re-apprear, but you can at-least change the document.

I'm using Acrobat 8.0 Standard.

Hope this helps everyone...
Registered: Jan 27 2010
Posts: 6

Thanks for the info. I'm currently not having the problem (as I've reinstalled within the last month) but when it rears it's ugly head again, I try this fix to at least be able to print from Acrobat.
Over the last few months I have kept Foxit (PDF) Reader on my PC just so I can print (quickly) without having to reinstall Acrobat.

Really appreciate the response (and don't appreciate Adobe's lack of at least acknowledging the problem much less fixing it!).