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Need Overview of Tools to use for Forms Data Entry & Submission to DB

Registered: May 17 2007
Posts: 6


I am new to Adobe tools and applications.

Our ourganization have hundreds of regulatory forms that our operations people have to fill out and send it to various departments and databases. The forms are defined and designed in MS Word (but can be changed to Acrobat if it is a prerequisite to other steps).

We would like to have operations people:

- enter data in the form
(form should have some validation and record retrieval capability, eg. when employee number is enter the name and address is looked up from the database)

- submit the forms
(when submitting the form should be saved in a local directory, server directory, and sent to a central location for uploading into the database)

- then the forms data are automatically uploaded into Oracle applications & other third party databases

** some of the operations people donot have persistent internet or network connectivity. For these folks it would be deisreable to have 'the solution' automatically detect connection and transmit.

I am some what confused as to what Adobe tools/applications would provide me a solution that meets the above high requirements.

Any guidance is much appreciated. Thanks.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Carl Young has a good introduction to the Adobe Form tools and their capability in his article titled "Welcome New Form Creators" at:

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