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Need to swap button icons

Registered: Dec 7 2009
Posts: 9

I need to swap icons to depict plot points for two separate measurement periods. In the retest condition (test == 2), a different .jpg is required. I've read the js Reference Manual for buttonSetIcon and buttonGetIcon but my efforts, while not creating any error messages, always fail to create the switch.

Please, any suggestions?

var scoreinput = 0;
var test = 0;

// Swap button icon.
var f = this.getField("ButtonIcon2");
var temp = f.buttonGetIcon();

scoreinput = scoreinput + this.getField("txtScoreInput").value;
var test = test + this.getField("Test").value;

if (test == 1 && scoreinput == 1){
this.getField("Button1").display = display.visible;

if (test == 2 && scoreinput == 1){
///////////Everything that I try here doesn't work
this.getField("Button1").display = display.visible;

Thanks for your help!

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Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
// Swap button icon.var f = this.getField("ButtonIcon2");var temp = f.buttonGetIcon();f.buttonSetIcon(f.buttonGetIcon()); // Sets button icon to itselff.buttonSetIcon(temp); // Does exactly the same thing over again

This code is getting the icon object from "ButtonIcon2" and then setting "ButtonIcon2" back to the same icon. I think you might need a reference to "Button1" here.

You need at least 3 buttons. One button for each image you want to store on the form (these should be hidden fields) and then one Button for each visible image. This way there is a clean division of labor. One set of buttons for storing images and one set of buttons for displaying images.

Thom Parker
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