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New document - old form

Registered: Jun 10 2009
Posts: 5

So from time to time I have to update existing pdf.
Usually the changes are minor text edits - dates and such.
I know I can copy and paste form fields from the old to the new then adjust positioning.
I then copy the javascript (if any) from the old form and add it to the new form.

The question I have is: Is there a way to streamline this process. It would really help if I could somehow import the new document over the old one on the existing pdf or if I could export all the fields and javascript in one move.

thanks in advance,

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
If the form has been created in Acrobat, you can replace the page layer and retain the form fields layer. Then you only need to move the form fields as necessary.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 10 2009
Posts: 5
So would I do that in the Pages side panel > Options > Replace Pages?