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New User - need assistance with Excel to Acrobat 8

Registered: Jun 13 2007
Posts: 40

Can someone advise me on the best way to do this without using javascript?

I have an Excel File (Expense Report)

1. I need to sum (add) columns and rows in both decimal 0.0 and currency (- or + $1,000,000.00)

a) Do I use Adobe Livecycle and convert or Acrobat and recreate the form?

2. I am trying Livecycle but I'm afraid it will take me forever and there is some javascript involved of which I am a novice.

a) Is it possible to convert it and have it use Excel's formulas? I tried using the function in Livecycle but it doesn't work.

3. I notice that no matter how I format, if I type 1.5 into the cell, it rounds up to 2


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
It may be easier to create this form in Acrobat since you have an existing PDF. Carl Young has a tutorial on creating an expense report with Acrobat that you might find very useful in getting up-to-speed:

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