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Newbie question - Setting on Form for future use

Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 79


First let me start by saying I have to honestly admit I am always use Corel Draw and Corel Products user. Acrobat Professional 8 is my first Adobe buy for my business and I am buying it to make forms for people to download, save and print from my web site.

I have been trying to read the training manual and watching all the online tutors I can find before I jumping into running this software to fast.

However I have one question I really need answered before I upload my first form to my web sites. I could have sworn I saw on one video tutor on adobe web site which I can't seem to find again that said I had set a special setting to insure my form would work correctly with future version of adobe reader.

I want to be sure that when I put up a form that it can still be used in five or ten years from now without me having to go back and make a new form. Some of my forms are very standard and will never need updated.

Thank you any advance for any help on this question. I worried of doing the work to only find out later it all has to be redone because I did not set a setting correctly.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: May 10 2007
Posts: 42
You may be right, but more likely it was just referring to the need to set compatibility with earlier versions that many web users will still have on their computers, which is done in >Advanced >Pdf Optimizer. Having said that, I think Rights-enabled forms need v7 or later of Reader to function properly.
Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 79
teledu wrote:
You may be right, but more likely it was just referring to the need to set compatibility with earlier versions that many web users will still have on their computers, which is done in >Advanced >Pdf Optimizer. Having said that, I think Rights-enabled forms need v7 or later of Reader to function properly.
I found the video at

For long term use

Adobe PDF Setting
Adobe PDF Conversion Setting
Default setting use: PDF/A-1b-2005-CMYF

I did a screen shot but I can't figure out how put in an image to the forum.

I looked in the help files and found:

About PDF/X and PDF/A standards

PDF/X and PDF/A standards are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). PDF/X standards apply to graphic content exchange; PDF/A to long-term archiving of electronic documents. During PDF conversion, the file that is being processed is checked against the specified standard. If the PDF will not meet the selected ISO standard, a message appears, asking you to choose between canceling the conversion or going ahead with the creation of a non-compliant file.

The most widely used standards for a print publishing workflow are several PDF/X formats: PDF/X‑1a, PDF/X‑3, and (in 2007) PDF/X-4. The most widely used standards for PDF archiving are PDF/A-1a, and PDF/A-1b (for less stringent requirements).

Any thoughts? However after listening to it again I think you are correct I only need to set it at v7 or later of Reader to make it work correctly.

Thank you