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one user can't save form to fill later

Registered: Mar 1 2010
Posts: 2


I have a form that I distributed to several users. Permissions are set to allow editing and saving. I have one user who gets an error message telling them that they can only print the form and not save it. This is a 31-page form that is usually completed over several sessions.

They are using Win7 Home Premium, and have downloaded a fresh copy of Acrobat reader 9.

The form is distributed via email. Two other users had no problem filling out the form and saving it for later to complete.

I have double checked that the permissions on my end are set correctly before sending. Somewhere along the line, his permissions are getting changed (not by him). I have replicated the problem by resending the document and having it change permissions.

There must be something set on his computer which is doing this - but I am out of ideas.

Any thoughts?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have the Extended Reader Rights been enabled for the form?

George Kaiser