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Open a particular page in a Document

Registered: Jan 18 2009
Posts: 5

Hi Friends,

I wanted to open a file .pdf from .htm or .pdf need to open a particulr page

here i s a code which i am implimenting href="ALL/User%20Reference.pdf#page=4"
Please suggest me a appropriate answer for internet explorer version-6


Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
To open a PDF file to a specific page, you have to include the page number in the link.



Don't include the comments.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Jan 18 2009
Posts: 5

As per above answer i have applied the same thing but it is not working in internet explorer version 6. Can you please suggest me any other appropriate answer for the same.


Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Send the following information:

1. the location (path) to your pdf file - include folder if that is the case.

2. The name of the application that created the PDF

3. The reason why you've not updated your web browser to the latest version

4. Is a password required to open the pdf file?

5. The page in the PDF that you want to link

6. The version of Acrobat you're currently using

I'll run a test on my end to confirm it works prior to my next reply.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Nov 5 2009
Posts: 5
I'm trying to do this with a Unix script that creates an html file:

/Users/tds/Desktop/aaa/PDFOpenParameters.pdf#3I then use the Mac 'open' command but it refuses to go to the page,
though the document opens.

Also, opening it directly on the command line fails:
% open PDFOpenParameters.pdf#page=3
The file /Users/tds/Desktop/aaa/openpdf/PDFOpenParameters.pdf#page=3 does not exist

Isn't there just a command line command to do this?
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
You're using meta tags to link to external files which is not allowed.

Meta tags are used only by search engines to allow them to more accurately list your site in their indexes.

Leave this question opened for a MAC user to answer.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Nov 5 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks so much for responding quickly! That use of a meta tag does work! Note that it does a "refresh". What happens is that if one goes to such a web page, it redirects you (in this case in 0 seconds) to the given URL automatically. Obviously this is a standard use or it would not work on most browsers. The nice thing about it is that I can point my operating system to the html and then that will direct my browser to a specific page. The Mac OS doesn't seem (so far as I know) to allow directing the browser directly (the features from Netscape were lost). But in this case when the browser goes to that URL, it sees it is a pdf and pops the pdf open. So it works all the way to opening the PDF, but not at the right page.
Registered: Nov 2 2009
Posts: 4
Hello Sir,

I have written for LINUX

command = acrobatPath+" /A page=5 "+pdfPath;

where acrobatPath=/opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread

and pdfPath=/home/ABC/PDFTest/test.pdf

But it is not working if write with this /A page=5 .

The command excutes fine in Windows but not working in Linux.

Kindly need your suggestion & help.Thanks in advance