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Page jumping

Registered: Nov 16 2009
Posts: 38

At the moment a user goes to a page and clicks on a button this button brings up a pop up box with the option to add in quantity. What I then want to happen is once they have entered a value. they hit "ok" and it automatically jumps to a specific page where they need to add another quantity into a field (not pop up box) on that page.

Then once the quantity has been added it automatically jumps back to the initial page and they can carry on through the document.

I know you cam jump from page to page using a normal button, but can you jump form page to page once a value has been entered into a pop up box and jump back the initial page?


smitchell15 (not verified)
Under the actions tab, have you tried the "on blur" option under select trigger, then choose set page view/previous page etc. What this will do is as soon as the user commits there value it will jump to the page you tell it! Hope that works for you?!