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Pass custom text in URL string

Registered: Feb 16 2007
Posts: 2

How do I pass a simple URL string parameter to a PDF file on a web site in order to customize a line of text in the PDF?

My Product Information:
Reader 7.0.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
The common method for pre-populating a PDF on a web site is with an FDF file. You simply point the user to the FDF, instead of the PDF. You can easily create an FDF file by exporting data from the PDF to a local file. Edit the FDF file in a text editor to ensure that it's file specification points to the PDF on the Web. Then upload the FDF to your site. You can also create FDF files at runtime from a server script. Search for the FDF toolkit on the Adobe site.

Thom Parker
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