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PDF price list with order forms

Registered: May 30 2009
Posts: 2

Hi all,

I would like to know if its possible to have an PDF Price list where in every product, there is a select box so customer can select it if wants to order.
Then, when customer finish select all products that wants to order, he clicks on submit button and i receive pdf by email, only with the selected products so i can prepare customer order.
Is this possible to do?

Best Regards,

Registered: Feb 6 2009
Posts: 105
Yes, very possible. One can go even as far as to say you can pay from the PDF with a credit card and have it process live time.

However, what can be done is limited by several factors: The reader software your clients will be using, the money it will cost you to hire someone to make the PDF, or you can do it yourself by studying Acrobat.

Basically though, you can make a very simple PDF with the items they choose to order, and using Acrobats very simple calculations, it will tally up everything, and then you create a submit button with the mailto:youremail [at] domain [dot] com and submit as FDF. You'll receive the response FDF file and it will populate your form field. However, it's important to note that you should not include a space to accept credit card details if this will be submitted to an email address, as most email protocols are not secure, and nullify your PCI DSS compliance and put you at risk of losing your merchant account.