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Percenage Calculation Acrobat Professional 8

Registered: Sep 16 2008
Posts: 2

Have a form with two columns. One column has user entered value that sum at bottom. Second Column calculate percent of the total. The percent amount calculates fine when the first column is initially populated, but when the initial value is deleted (like it would be for a user to use), the error message says "value entered does not match the format of the field". Current calculations is:
ContributionRevenue1 / TotalRevenue1

Have tried the following calculations:
If (ContributionRevenue1 != Null)
{ContributionRevenue1 / TotalRevenue1}


var f = this.getField("ContributionRevenue1");
var g = this.getField("TotalRevenue1");
event.value = f.value / g.value
and nothing is calculated with either. Anyone have any suggestions.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
First, I would remove the format from the column and see what value is being computed. You do not tell us how you are computing the "TotalRevenue". Yoy also need to make sure your are not dividing by "0" and not "Null".

George Kaiser