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Percentage Calculation??

Registered: Jul 27 2011
Posts: 2

I'm Putting together a form for a pre-paid contract and I don't know how to format the fields.
Total Charges = $1,000.00 = 100% of contract
Funeral Home Charges = $750.00 = 75% of contract
Cash Advance Charges = $250.00 = 25% of contract
How do I format the fields so I can enter the total charges, Funeral home charges, and cash advance charges then have the percentages fill in themselves?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 10.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Accepted Answer
Set the percentage fields to be formatted as such, and then in the calculation section, enter the name of the field they represent, divided by the total amount.
If you don't have spaces in the fields' names, then you can use the "Simplified field notation", like this:

TotalCharges / 1000
(the result will be 100%)

FuneralHomeCharges / 1000
(the result will be 75%)

CashAdvanceCharges / 1000
(the result will be 25%)

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Registered: Jul 27 2011
Posts: 2
Thanks A lot!