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Percentage format

Tina L
Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 5

Hi, newbie here so apologies in advance if this has been asked before (I couldn't find the exact same question).

I understand if I use the "percent" as the format in a field that it needs to be entered with the decimal, such as .04 for 4%, .4 for 40% and so forth. The problem is we need to enter percentages using up to 3 numbers, such as 7.35%. If I change the number of characters to 6, it still truncates the "5" at the end and adds zeros, so entering .0735 ends up displaying 7.3000 %. I need it to display 7.35%. Note, there is no calculation involved but display only (Whew!).

Any suggestions? Do I need to write my own javascript to get it to display the way I want? If so, does anyone know of a script already out there for this? (I am not a programmer)

Tina L

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.3, Windows
Tina L
Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 5
Wow, unrelated to my post about percentages, but check out the registration date assigned to me:
1969-12-31?? Uh, was this product even around in 1969? I barely was! ; )
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you set the number of decimal places on the "Format" tab?

The default value for the number of decimal places to display is 2.

The number of characters on the options page, limits the total number of characters that can be entered into the field.

Even though the displayed value is rounded to 3 decimal places, the value is carried to a greater number of decimal places unless one uses some JavaScript to truncate the value.

George Kaiser

Tina L
Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks and yes, I had set the number of decimal places in the format tab but I did not make the change in options tab. So now I have set the number of character in options to 5 and also put in a default value of 0.00 (%). Now users can click immediately after the decimal and enter "735" and it will display as 7.35%.

Tina L.