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Pop Up Message to user when open PDF

Registered: Jun 3 2009
Posts: 26

I want to have a pop up message open when a user opens the pdf. How can I do this? Steps?

Thanks so much in advance!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can use the 'app.alert()' as a dcoument levle script. See the following tutorials by Thom Parker for more detailed information.

[url=]The Alert Box: Part 1 of 5 on Popup Windows[/url]

[url=]So where does JavaScript live in Acrobat?[/url] to see how to access the doucment level JavaScript.

[url=]Entering Document Scripts]Entering Document Scripts[/url]

George Kaiser